When my late dad passed away, it was a shocker; cause he was only 55 and was pretty much a healthy person. It then made me realized that 24 hrs in a day was never enough and that when ever I am in that time frame, I should try to make full use of it. I do contradict, because in my inner self, I sill have my lazy soul.
Then recently, while flipping through my friend's pages, I thought what the text was meant that he was only very sick and was recovering. But never did I expect he had already passed away, at an age of only 21. Which he celebrated not long back. Though we weren't that really closed, but we did share some fun and memorable times back in poly classes. Still trying to see any where to get to his burial location, hopefully someone pops up the answer.
In loving memories to all that once been a part in my life. Stay healthy and cherish the times ahead.