Sunday, January 28, 2007

3 years down memory lane

FYP's over! My final year project is done and dusted. Everything from here will be zoomed past like a speeding bullet.
2 weeks time, I will be graduating from school and it will be sad to miss all the fun I had in school during this 3 years.
I am completely lost in directions as to go where after NS. University studies or job-seeking remains my priority and I do hope I can secure either one once ORD. The end of a study life is the start of an adulthood's life. From here, I am pretty independent on myself already.

"And it might not make much sense to you or any of my friends
Though somehow still you affect the things I do.
And you cant lose what you never had I dont understand why I feel sad
Every time I see you out with someone new."

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