One good deed does not get you noticed; it takes you many good deeds to get noted that you did something right.
But if you did something bad, it takes only split second to get you noted and be marked or what the norm says condemned.
Its like how human beings work, when you are flawed, its makes you less competitive as others. Be it physically, appearance etc. it does not require words to make known to yourself that you are one bar less the norm than others; their body language simply tells you that its better to back off.
Well, when you fall into such a pit hole, it's never easy to climb out as it requires tremendous efforts and a positive attitude to ride you out of the wave. But no matter what you do, you will know that things will never be the same and what best is to give you best smile and hoe pthings tide off soon; which in most case don't.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
This morning prior to work was splendid ! Rainy day, cool weather and amidst a wonderful sweet dream. Even the alarm ringing did not deter me from continuing dreaming.
Then tap! My mum woke me up from slumber land and back to real world, time to heard for work amidst a wet weather.
Even though it was just a sort 5 min dream, time had flew past tremendously fast in the real world and I must say this ! Everyday spent is another quality day wasted ! I need to start clearing my leave soon. I been "conned" from so many things that I am absolutely disheartened to fight for what's supposedly to my deserved. Now it all revolves education.
Then tap! My mum woke me up from slumber land and back to real world, time to heard for work amidst a wet weather.
Even though it was just a sort 5 min dream, time had flew past tremendously fast in the real world and I must say this ! Everyday spent is another quality day wasted ! I need to start clearing my leave soon. I been "conned" from so many things that I am absolutely disheartened to fight for what's supposedly to my deserved. Now it all revolves education.