Thursday, April 24, 2008

How do you define bloodsuckers?

Define it by paying half of your bill owned for 4 months, and you still get your line cut off.
Just because you fail to pay the extra $50 + dollars.

How do you define boring?

Try sitting in a guard house, unable to go toilet as and when you like, and have to wait for people to send you food or visit you in order not to fall asleep.

Wonders of life.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Big Words, Small Size

Just can't understand why some people like to use their seniority/rank to show authority. Just that you are on verge of making one step up and thus making you one of the high flyer's doesn't rectify that f*** up attitude.
I am one who doesn't voice out much because work is always work and I respect the fact when a senior talks to me. But some people just like to push their luck further and when I answer back, they keep quiet like some mouse.

No doubt I am doing this for national service and yours as a career but what we are working on are common job scopes; just that you draw a higher pay then me. And to think of it, some of you just like to use us to cover your asses when shit happens. That's why things aren't that glorious as it seems on advertisement.

Friday, April 04, 2008

April Fool is Poor Man's Gold

If April 1 weren't on the actual day, it would probably would have came twice for me this year.
Back in KL(on my mini-break), met up with my friend's friend. And that I don't know what gave him the impression but he says that I am a player!
As if my acne face was gone for that day. One joke it must has been ah?
The second time was just last week. My team leader was on routine visit and the same was said from his mouth! He said I was a typical player and that I must cheated girls frequently. I swear at the point I was laughing in my heart!
Ever since I started shift work, my body totally messed up and my face went the same direction. To add in the woes, my eye bag grown too! Hell, I wonder what give this people the impression.
I must say things are getting better lately!
Having fun with work, being more cheerful, almost relating everything I read on news to anything under the sun. But still, school days are still the best; days of innocence filled with nonsensical fun!

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